Michael O'Brien DISCLAIMER: All Information on these pages pertains ONLY to the Duran Duran Role Playing Game on OneList.com, Not to Duran Duran's current real-life activities.

Michael O'Brien

Computer Hacker beyond Compare


A former employe of Bahamut Industries, and previous right-hand-man of Marcus, Michael now tests fate as an underground Computer Hacker and Engineer. His darkened conscience and Twisted values make him a questionable foe to work with, as his drive for power is fueled by an unfortunate pack of lies delivered by his current Black-Hearted employer, Kyrian, who told Michael that it was Marcus, not her, who killed Marcus's sister, and Michael's fiancee-to-be, Teicia. Michael now seeks to ruin Marcus any way he can, while also destroying countless lives at a keystroke.

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