What? No book?

"Oh, not to worry, there is a book."

Looking around for the voice, you turn and see a rather gangly looking human, his eyes a dark blue, sitting in what appears to be a self-propelled, wheeled chair. His loose-fitting clothes bear the symbol of an Ibis.

"Our History is available, but at a price, as you must pass a test in order to read it. Follow this Pathway.." as he points down a dark hallway.. "and you will meet with ArrowWing Drachus of the Ptah Bloodline of Engineers. He will instruct you further on how to read our history."

The odd human in the wheeled chair rolls quietly off into the dim library as abruptly as he appeared, leaving you to return to the Library, or follow the pathway to the mysterious workshop of ArrowWing Drachus, and whatever test these beings require for their History.

Click Here to go to ArrowWing's Workshop, and the History Mission

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